Week beginning 30th September '24
It has all been about our home this week in our learning. We have read 'This is our house.' by Michael Rosen and Bob Graham and taken part in lots of activities across the curriculum, including drawing our own homes and saying who lives in them and building homes using 2D shapes and lolly sticks. We have been talking about linked shape names and recognising which part of the home is made from these shapes.
In phonics, we have looked at the sounds 'g,' 'o,' 'c,' and 'k.' We have thought of lots of objects that start with these sounds and practised writing them too. We have also been learning to recognise some of our tricky words.
Despite a very wet day, as we were in our waterproof clothing, we enjoyed a fantastic Forest School session teaching us about the seasons and how the trees drop their leaves for us to play with.
Next week, we will be looking at the sounds 'ck,' 'e,' 'u,' and 'r.' Our main text will be 'Owl Babies' and we will be doing lots of linked activities.
Week beginning 23rd September '24
In English this week, we have been reading Kipper's Birthday, discussing what happened in the story and taking part in lots of linked activities, including saying and writing how old we are, making birthday cards, presents and invites. There has been lots of emphasis on writing names in lots of different ways, including in crayon, chalk and using magnetic letters. We have looked at the sounds 'i,' 'n,' 'm,' and 'd,' practising forming the letters too.
In maths, we have continued to reinforce our recognition and counting of numbers. We have looked at different ways of making four, using multilink and copied a repeating pattern.
In R.E., we have focused on Christianity and named objects that Christians believe that God made. Children have continued to focus on using space well and avoiding obstacles, as well as moving in different ways in P.E. this week.
Week beginning 16th September '24
It has been another busy week in Reception. Children have developed friendships and enjoyed taking part in Forest School and P.E. sessions.
In our phonics, we have been recognising, saying and writing the sounds 's,' 'a,' 't,' and 'p,' playing lots of games to help reinforce them. We have been sharing class texts from Bug Club and have been encouraging sharing of stories from the reading corner.
In maths, we have been reinforcing rote counting, one to one correspondence and have enjoyed singing a range of number songs, as well as playing number games. Children have enjoyed using the hopscotch outside, counting the numbers as they travelled.
In next week's phonics, we will be looking at the sounds 'i,' 'n,' 'm' and 'd.' In maths, we will be using numicon to match numbers up to 10 and will also be copying a pattern.
Week beginning 9th September '24
Congratulations to all our reception children, who have completed their first full week at school. It has been lovely seeing children become more settled and making friends across the two classes. We have enjoyed getting to know them more and see their confidence grow in a matter of days.
Classes have enjoyed sharing stories, both linked to our reading programme and from the reading corner. Children have taken part in lots of number games and songs and we have introduced them to Numicon, which uses shapes and patterns to help children learn about numbers. They have also been challenged to build a Duplo tower, counting the number of bricks that they have used.
Children have also continued embracing our topic of 'All about me,' talking to their peers to tell them more about themselves, as well as talking about colours and painting pictures in the style of Kandinsky.
This week, both classes have had P.E. lessons with the coach and their class teachers. They have also enjoyed exploring the outdoor area more.
We hope that you have a well-earned rest this weekend and look forward to seeing you back next week.
Week beginning 2nd September '24
We have been so proud of how our new reception children have settled so easily into class this week. They have had lots of fun meeting new friends and exploring the reception environment, indoors and outdoors. They have been recognising and writing their names and have been painting beautiful self-portraits. We can't wait to see them back again next week, where they will meet yet more friends, as they join with the rest of the class.