
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent and Visions and Values

At Thomas Willingale School and Nursery we value everyone and we are all included. We succeed because we have high aspirations and expectations for ourselves and others.

Curriculum Intent statement

‘At Thomas Willingale School and Nursery the curriculum is designed so that it builds on children's prior learning, provides hands on and enriching experiences, allows the children to develop aspirations, resilience and independence and become articulate, creative individuals. Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school and the local and wider community. We are respectful of everyone. We provide a creative and linked curriculum that enables children to make connections, embed learning and build on their knowledge. Children are given opportunities outside of the National Curriculum that enhances and enriches their learning, giving them real life experiences and allowing them to think in enterprising ways. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge. Children will leave Thomas Willingale School and Nursery with high aspirations and a strong sense of belonging, they will have the confidence and skills to articulate themselves, make decisions, make connections and self-reflect enabling them to be lifelong learners.’


Curriculum Drivers


  • Positive Growth – to instill a positive mindset which allows children to build aspirations, empathy towards others and opportunities for their future lives; it supports their resilience so that they take chances, learn from failures and deepen their skillset and understanding.
  • Oracy – to ensure all children have the skill set to be able to express and articulate themselves accurately, confidently and fluently so that they are able to take on any challenge. 
  • Environment /Community – Our children will play an active part in the local and wider community, utilising our rich surroundings within their learning and supporting how our community develops.  
  • Independence – Through engaging and inspiring learning that we provide, we want our children to become more independent learners, be proactive and strategic and transfer their skills to different areas of learning.

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.

We value being community minded and team spirited; friendly, inclusive, compassionate, empathic, polite, generous, and caring. WE ARE KIND

We value humility, honesty, gratitude, fairness, and decency. WE HAVE INTEGRITY

We believe in being modest, reflective, attentive, tolerant, democratic, and considerate. WE SHOW RESPECT

We value being determined, curious, aspirational, persevering, courageous, resilient, independent, responsible, optimistic, and positive. WE ADMIRE EFFORT



Our Vision


We are committed to improving the quality of the educational provision for all our children which will enable them to reach their full potential and attain the levels of knowledge, understanding and skills that society demands for their future lives.  High quality education will be achieved by:


  • positive, caring and clearly focused leadership from the senior leadership team
  • the whole staff team working together to do its best for our children’s confidence
  • the whole staff team having high expectations of our children’s social, behavioural and academic performance
  • well planned, exciting and challenging teaching that develops lively, enquiring and open minds in our children
  • creating stimulating and attractive learning environments in which our children can take a pride
  • fostering a calm, secure and purposeful working atmosphere that nurtures a positive esteem and self-image in all our children
  • promoting respect for other people and their property
  • working in partnership with parents, governors and the local community to enrich opportunities for our children


We will continually strive to achieve the school’s aims through the formal curriculum and through all the other experiences offered to our children.  High quality education will raise the children’s standards of achievement, enabling them to:


  • develop their use of English and Maths which provide the foundation for all their other learning
  • learn social skills that encourage agreeable interactions between their peers as well as adults
  • treat everyone in an equal manner, irrespective of gender, race, class or disability
  • develop personal and moral values that are respectful of others, leading to their appreciation and toleration of other religions and other ways of life
  • learn in a safe and secure environment, in keeping with Health and Safety Regulations that are in the interests of all whom work in the school.
  • Have a positive, growth mind-set and foster resilience




Our aim at Thomas Willingale School and Nursery is to encourage pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in Britain. We actively promote the fundamental British Values and this forms part of our wider work in school with children in relation to their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education (SMSC).


The British Values, as defined by the government, are :



The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect

Tolerance of different Faiths and Beliefs


We teach a broad and balanced curriculum that teaches elements of democracy, rules and laws, the monarchy, equality, values and virtues, environmental awareness and understanding of different faiths. Actively promoting British Values also refers to challenging pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values. At TWS values of tolerance and respect permeate all areas of school life. This creates a climate within which pupils feel safe and secure and therefore allows them to learn and develop. Pupil voice plays an integral part in driving the schools forward.


These British Values are promoted throughout the curriculum, across the whole school. They are also seen in the school ethos, policies, assemblies, special events and cultural celebrations. The following are a selection of activities that are evidence of our commitment to British Values.


We teach children about Democracy through:

  • Children being involved in democratic processes e.g. voting for pupil councillors, House Captains, rewards and incentives
  • School council- visits to Westminster and Parliament
  • Assemblies
  • Our school drivers and Intent
  • Aspirations day
  • Black History Month

We teach children about Rule of Law through:

  • School behaviour policy
  • Assemblies
  • Rules– in class and beyond
  • Rewards for good behaviour- House points, Merits, individual rewards
  • Reflecting on behaviour and learning during lessons
  • Parent/ carer/pupil questionnaires about behaviour
  • Visits from Police and other authorities- Crucial Crew
  • PSHE lessons



We teach children about Individual Liberty through:

  • Understanding responsibility in school in terms of behaviour and learning attitudes
  • Pupil roles in school – monitors/ helpers
  • School values and Intent
  • Local and national fundraising
  • Community links – residential home, food bank
  • Assembly – school council/ people who help us
  • Well-being- Sandwell
  • Challenging stereotyping and bias
  • Stonewall champion
  • Antibullying
  • Sports values
  • Merit charts for learning
  • Black History month


We teach children about Mutual Respect through:

  • PSHE curriculum and assemblies
  • Positive relationships encouraged and modelled
  • Inclusive ethos
  • RE curriculum
  • RSE
  • Antibullying assemblies and lessons
  • Pupil council
  • Sports days
  • School/community events- such as- Race For Life
  • Diversity day/Humanities Day
  • Sports Day
  • Trips – wider community
  • Visitors
  • Peer assessment/ supporters
  • Collaboration with other schools
  • Trauma Perceptive practice
  • Stone Wall champions
  • Pastoral and wellbeing support
  • Rules and values
  • Dog Mentor
  • Forest Schools


We teach children about Tolerance through:

  • Links with other schools
  • Assemblies – stories from world faiths and cultures
  • RE curriculum
  • Reflection opportunities in assemblies
  • School curriculum
  • Inclusive school
  • Special assemblies – Harvest, Remembrance Day
  • PSHE
  • Peer supporters
  • Mentors
  • Family support worker
  • Dog mentor
  • Team Building
  • Stone Wall
  • Mermaids