Week beginning 27th January '25
It's been all about the planets this week, with children learning more in detail about the eight planets and taking part in lots of linked activities.
In phonics, we have learnt the new sound 'oi' and consolidated previous learning, including lots of linked writing. We have continued with linked learning to our story 'Whatever Next' as well as studying non-fiction books telling us more about the planets.
Children have created some amazing pictures of planets, using balloons, as well as wax crayons. They have become very confident naming and talking about each of the different planets.
One of our maths foci this week has been combining two groups and working out how many objects there are altogether. We have also linked our learning to Chinese New Year and ordering numbers.
Our canopy area has seen a bit of a revamp too, with the addition of a stage as well as lots of other exciting additions.
Next week, we will have an alien focused week, as well as learning the new sound 'ear' and exploring capacity in maths. Classes will also do activities linked to Mental Health Week and Walk to School Week.
Week beginning 20th January '25
We rocked into the week, singing and dancing with the Rock Steady team. We learnt dance moves and actions to music and really enjoyed ourselves.
Our main text of the week has been 'Whatever Next, ' by Jill Murphy, where we followed Baby Bear's adventures as he made friends with an owl and had a picnic on the moon. Children created a class story map and did linked work in their books. They also thought about what they would take to the moon. Our sounds of the week have been 'ur' and 'ow.'
In maths, classes made shape rocket pictures. We also practised number formation, as well as making 6,7 and 8 in different ways.
Children had the opportunity to take part in lots of creative activities, including making collage astronauts.
Next week, we will focus more on the eight planets, sharing non-fiction books to learn more about them. We will learn the new sound 'oi,' as well as revising previous sounds and tricky words.
Week beginning 13th January '25
This week, we have continued our space theme. We have had a Space small world tray to explore, as well as reading lots of fiction and non-fiction texts linked to space. The children have been saying what they would take to the moon, as well as asking lots of their own questions too. We have been learning about what astronauts are and what their job entails and finding out more about the eight planets.
Our phonics has included our new sounds 'ar' and 'or' and we have incorporated these, as well as our tricky words, into our writing this week, speaking about what the astronaut in our story, 'Man on the Moon' does, as well as writing about stars and moons.
In maths, the classes have been practising number formation and matching numbers of objects to their numeral. We have also been subitising: looking at a small set of objects and instantly know how many there are without counting them.
Children have enjoyed taking part in lots of creative activities linked to our topic, such as printing, making a Modroc moon and making spacecraft.
On Thursday, we were very excited to watch a real rocket launch- that of Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin.' which successfully launched into orbit.
Next week, we will be learning more about astronauts. Our sounds, in phonics, will be 'ur' and 'ow.' Reception classes will also be enjoying all the lunchtime play opportunities that are available in the big school playground, including the sand pit, mud kitchen, digging area, bikes and scooter area and slide.
Week beginning 6th January '25
Happy New Year! Welcome back everyone! It has been lovely hearing and seeing, on Tapestry, all the lovely things that children have been up to over the holidays.
Our topic this half-term is 'Space' and children have been very enthusiastic sharing previous knowledge. They have been keen to learn more about our topic, thinking about what they would like to to find out, as well as learning about the moon.
We have even managed to link our phonics to the moon, learning the digraph 'oo,' which makes two different sounds, the first one in 'moon' and the second in 'look.' We have continued to revise and learn new tricky words, incorporating these into our reading and writing.
In maths, we have been looking at one less, as well as practising our number formation and also comparing weights and sizes of different moon rocks.
On Thursday, we were delighted to welcome the pantomime to our school. We enjoyed a fabulous interactive performance, alongside other year groups in the school.
We have also been making the most of the cold weather to study the changes taking place outside. Children have been keen to use their senses to describe these and have enjoyed touching the ice that has formed in our garden, using fabulous language to describe it.
Hope that you all have a lovely weekend and looking forward to seeing you back on Monday for another action-packed week.