
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Summer Term

Lambourne End



















WB 8.7.24


This week we have had our enterprise! We created our very own art gallery and gift shop. The children worked extremely hard and we are so proud of what they achieved.






Our chess piece based on Anna Boghiguian's Institution vs. The Mass:




Here are our paintings based on Vincient van Gogh's 'Sunflowers': 




Our popart based on Andy Warhol: 




Our portraits based on Leonardo da Vinci's 'Mona Lisa', where we chose a woman in our life who inspires us: 




Finally, our gift shop:




Additionally, we used spray paint to create an emotion piece of art, based on the work of banksy:



WB 1.7.24


This week, on Monday, we had a wonderful Aspirations Day. This was full of fun activities and amazing visitors. Firstly, we were visited by a senior content producer for the NBA, then by a software engineer, next a band member and finally a prison officer. The visitors taught us a lot about their jobs, their inspirations and gave us the opportunity to ask lots of questions. As this term we have also been learning about sculptures by a welder, we had a go at creating our own sculptures using spaghetti and marshmellows. 






In maths, we have been looking at statistics. We have interpreted charts and line graphs. 




In English, for our non-chronological reports next week, we researched our choice of an artist. We learnt a lot of interesting facts and look forward to writing all of our information up.



WB 24.6.24


In English, we wrote our descriptive settings. They were wonderful and full of metaphors, similes and personification. 


In maths, we continued looking at lines of symmetry. We then completed our own a symmetric figures.


In science, we looked at the relationship between pitch and sound. 



WB 17.6.24


In maths, we have classified and compared quadrilaterals (parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium and kite). We have identified regular polygons and lines of symmetry.




Within English, we have read, watched, studied and analysed the story of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream'. We then looked setting descriptions and the key features of a descriptive piece. Next week, we will be writing out own setting descriptions. 


In science, we have leant how sound travels. Here are some of the experiments we did: 



WB 10.6.24


This week, in maths, we compared and ordered angles. We then ordered, compared and classified triangles. 




Within art, we created own own sunflowers, using water colours, inspired by Van Gogh's Sunflowers.



WB 3.6.24


This week, in English, we created performance poetry. These were based on different emotions. Below is a video of one of them!


In maths, we have learnt to understand of angles as turn and identify angles, such as right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. 




This week, we were also lucky enough to go on a school trip to the Tate Modern. Here are some of the pictures!






WB 20.5.23


In English, we wrote our newspaper reports based of the Iron Man by Ted Hughes. 




Additionally, on Monday, we had a fun filled day to celebrate Shakespeare Day. We learnt more about who he was, watched a Midsummer's Night Dream panto, acted out the main plot of the story and sketched a portrait of Shakespeare. 




This week, we were also lucky enough to join in with a virtual Wellbeing Workshop that incorporated drama and poetry. We had lots of fun and found it very engaging. 




In science, we explored how sounds are made and learnt that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear. We did this through tuning forks and DIY instruments. 



WB 13.5.23


This week, in English, we have been looking at newspaper reports and have planned for next week when we will be writing our own newspaper reports. We explored the different features of a newspaper reports and the difference between fact and opinion.


In maths, we have begun learning about time. We have practiced converting between analogue and digital time. Additionally, we have been converting from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock.




In Science and DT, we have used our knowledge of electricity to create amazing times table checkers. 




In computing, over the last couple of weeks we have been looking at designing websites. This week, we completed them and evaluated how we did. 




WB 6.5.24


In English, we have finished writing our triumph stories. Next week we will begin looking at our next text type, newspapers.


In maths, we have been learning all about money, including converting between pounds and pence, comparing amounts of money and estimating with money. Next week we will be moving on to time.


This week, in science, we have used our knowledge of circuits to create burglar alarms. Here is a video of one of them!


Burglar Alarm

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WB 29.4.24


This week in Year 4, we have been planning for our triumph stories based on robots. Next week the children will be writing their stories with the inclusion of the grammar they have been looking at, this includes using '3 _ed' sentences (e.g. frightened, petrified and terrified...) and emotional starters (e.g. Devastated, ...).


In maths, we have been continuing learning about decimals and fractions. In particular, what halves and quarters are as decimals. Next week we will be looking at money.




In science we have been finding out about conductors and insulators. We use our knowledge of circuits to investigate what materials are which. We discovered that (most) metals are conductors and other materials are insulators (apart from graphite). 




In computing, we have begun learning about website design. We explored microsoft sway and created a website homepage. 




Over the last 2 weeks, in PE, the children have taken part in a handball tournament. They all showed the skills they have learnt excellently and enjoyed being able to compete. Here is the winning shot from team M&M:



Handball Tournament

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WB 22.4.24


This week we were busing with our school performance of Mary Poppins. The children worked extremely hard on their production and were all amazing. We hope you enjoy the videos below!


We also began creating our Artbots. The Art Bot uses a small electric motor to move. In order to power the motor, the robot also needs a battery. When you connect the battery to the motor, you complete an electrical circuit, and this allows the motor to spin. The motor has an off-center weight attached to it, which causes the motor to vibrate. When the motor vibrates, it causes the robot to wobble across the paper. 


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Year 3/4 Performance Let's Go Fly a Kite

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Year 3/4 Performance Feed the Birds

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Year 3/4 Performance Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

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Year 3/4 Performance A Spoonful of Suagr

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Year 3/4 Performance Chim Chim Cher-ee

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