w/c 25.6.24
We have had a very busy week in Year Two!
In English we have been writing our playscripts and in maths we have been learning about pictograms.
We had a lovely forest school on Thursday and spent some time doing leaf and bark rubbings, lighting sparks and bug hunting.
We have been on a local area walk to identify the use of land around the school. We found areas that are used for shopping, recreation, residential and food production and marked them on a map.
On Friday the children were very excited to meet their new teachers and explore their new classrooms.
We are looking forward to seeing the children dressed up on Monday for Aspirations Day.
Have great weekend!
Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Ayaz
Week 3 W/c 17.6.24
A short but busy week in year 2!
On Monday we were lucky to have a drama workshop to allow the children to tap into their imagination. They all had such good fun. See photos below.
In maths we have started our statistics unit and this week we have been looking at using tally charts and tables. The children were able to read tally charts, answer questions about the chart and count in 5s to help them count their total. The children have also been exploring tables and block diagrams and been able to answer questions about the tables.
In English, we have started writing our own playscripts. We have based them on the classic tale of The Three Little Pigs. The children have been able to write a clear title, a cast list, a scene description and started writing dialogue. These skills will develop in the upcoming weeks.
In Science, we have continued to observe our investigation, discussed our findings so far and kept a record of them in our class books.
Have a fantastic long weekend.
We look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday,
Mrs Ayaz and Mrs Sheptuha
Week commencing 10th June
This week we have been learning about playscripts in English. We know the features of playscripts and we have been using drama to act out a playscript. We know that a playscript will have:
a cast list, setting description, stage directions, dialogue, speakers name on the left followed by a colon.
In maths we have been revising fractions and money. In science, we have continued learning about plants and we have set up an experiment to find out what plants need to grow well. We are observing 4 pots containing seeds which we have put in different places of the classroom. We have set up a pot which is exposed to sunshine and daily water and a pot exposed to sunshine without water. Then we have a pot with no sunshine and no water and a pot with no sunshine but we are watering it daily. We will find out whether the seeds have grown or not next week.
In our geography lesson we have been learning about how the land is used around our school and made a map of the school.
We had a very successful enterprise and made a grand total of £76.50. Thank you for all your support.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Ayaz
W/C 3.6.24 Summer 2 Week 1
Welcome back to year 2.
We have hit the ground running and have been busy with preparations for our enterprise next week. We have been exploring persuasive texts and have made posters to promote our enterprise. We also did some drama to understand persuasion, the children had great fun.
In maths, we have revisited the four operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have been exploring the methods we can use to calculate these sums and had a go with some word problems.
In Science we started our new topic of Plants and we explored the life cycle of a plant. Many exciting things to take place with this topic, including an investigation that year 2 will observe across a few weeks.
In art, we did some lovely fruit and vegetable printing, please see pictures below.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Ayaz and Mrs Sheptuha
Week beginning 20th May 2024
What a fantastic final week of term we have had!
Shakespeare Day was a huge success and it was great to see so many children dressed up to celebrate. Throughout the day, the children watched William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and then made puppets of the main characters to act out part of the story. They also drew portraits of William Shakespeare and took part in a colouring competition. On Tuesday we wrote a recount to describe all the wonderful activities they had participated in.
In Maths, we finished our unit on time and in DT we have been sewing keyrings. Some of the children have excelled in their sewing skills and they all demonstrated resilience, perseverance and patience! Well done Year Two!
On Friday we enjoyed a brilliant Sports Day arranged by Mrs Evans. A big thank you to Mrs Evans, the Year 6s for supporting us and all the parents who attended.
We hope you all have a wonderful half term and look forward to seeing the children return to school on Monday 3rd June.
Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Ayaz
Week 5 W/C 13th May
Another lovely week in year 2!
In Maths we have continued learning about the time. In English we have continued and finished our lovely stories based on Audreys Amazing inventions.
In Science we had a great time going outside exploring microhabitats using the science equipment. The children had a lovely time working as a team and identifying a range of minibeasts.
In D.T, we have been super busy! We have been learning the running stitch with our sewing and have continued making our catapults in preparation for our enterprise next half term.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Ayaz and Mrs Sheptuha
Week Commencing 6.5.23
This week we have started writing our own invention stories in English based on the story ‘Audrey the Amazing Inventor’. The children are using lots of techniques to make their stories lively and interesting such as sentence starters, adjectives, conjunctions and adverbs. We are looking forward to finishing our stories next week.
In Maths, we have been learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We can tell the time to o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We know that the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand.
In our DT topic we designed a mechanism to lift a teacher. Many of the children designed lever mechanisms which needed a fulcrum and a load. It took 3 children to lift the teacher in both classes! It was a lot of fun!
The children had a great time in Forest School on Thursday. Unfortunately, some children wore shorts so were unable to take part. There are a lot of brambles, nettles and insects in the Forest School area and it is important that children wear long trousers to protect themselves.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Ayaz
W/C 29th April Week 3
A lovely week in year 2.
In maths, we have continued exploring fractions of amounts. We have been recognising ¾ and finding ¾ of an amount. The children have used sharing methods to help them do this. On Friday we counted in fractions and went beyond 1 whole.
In English, we have continued using our class text and have discussed different word classes and tenses that can be used. On Thursday, we used drama to box up our plan for our writing and on Friday we planned what our invention will be for our stories.
In DT and history we have continued our learning about catapults and other mechanisms linking to our topic. We worked in teams to create a board game using our catapults. Please see photos below.
We hope you have a great long weekend, and we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Mrs Ayaz and Mrs Sheptuha
Week beginning 22nd April
In English this week the children finished their recount writing about the school visit to Lambourne Farm. They worked hard to include the features of recounts in their writing such as adverbs of time, past tense and conjunctions.
In Maths we have continued learning about fractions. The children have been able to find fractions of a number. They can identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction and can recognise unit and non-unit fractions.
In Science we have been learning about the impact of deforestation on the habitats of plants and animals in the rainforest. We then made posters to display our findings.
In our DT lessons we have been learning about different types of mechanisms and have explored how to make catapults. Then we designed a target board game to make good use of our catapults.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Ayaz.
W/C 15th April 2024
Welcome back Year 2!
We have hit the ground running with a recount of our trip to Lambourne End Farm. We have looked at what a recount is, the features and the structure of a recount. We have planned them and wrote our introduction to our recounts. We have attached some photos from our trip as a reminder of what a great day we all had!
In Maths, we have introduced fractions, we have looked at part and wholes, 1/2 and 1/4. We have been finding fractions of amounts with the children.
We have started our topics about mechanisms and seeing what type of things could be used as one. We have also done some lovely art work inspired by mechanisms.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Ayaz and Mrs Sheptuha