
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Spring Term




Another busy week in Year 3 !



We have learnt to tell the time to the nearest 5 minute and minutes this week. We have been telling the time and also drawing the hands on clocks. Some tricky learning this week and the children showed fantastic growth mind set.



We have been planning and gathering vocabulary on the four countries of the UK this week, ready to write our scene story next week ! The children are becoming experts on England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.



We continued hockey this week, in the hall due to the weather. However, we used this to our advantage, to practise accurate passing.



We looked at muscles this week, and learnt how they work in pairs. 



We learnt all about Hajj this week in Islam, and what the pilgrimage entails.



In art, we made mountain and scenic pictures out of 2D shapes. Some fabulous, creative work which we will display outside out classrooms.



We are looking at the music of Bob Marley and learning some of his songs. We also continued with our recorder lessons  - we are becoming more tuneful each week !



We looked at, discussed and used expanded noun phrases this week, ready to use in our writing next week.


Thank you for practising spellings, helping with homework and practising timetables with your children at home, it is really appreciated and so beneficial to the children.





We replicated papyrus paper by using thin brown paper and then wrote using Egyptian writing, Hieroglyphics. The children wrote their own personal messages.


We looked at the old, middle and modern English language, focusing on Shakespeare,

The children had the opportunity to read some of this and discuss the meaning.


In Maths, we continued to look at fractions, ordering and comparing.


During science lesson, we investigated Light by looking at how shadows change.


During RE, we continued to look at and discuss the 5 Pillars of Islam which the children used to create a Non-Chronological report for our English writing.




ICT / English


We researched our chosen topic, made notes and planned our non-chronological reports ready for writing next week.



this week we learnt about Hieroglyphics, made our own Papyrus paper and wrote using the Ancient Egyptian alphabet.



We practised our netball passing again, and are getting more accurate



All about fractions, decimals for tenths, equivalents and fractions on number lines.



We are continuing to learn about Islam and the 5 pillars. The class practised their knowledge by playing 'Quiz Quiz Trade'.



We are focusing on retrieval questions from a given text and working on reading stamina of longer texts.


Sports Hall Athletics

Some of our children represented the school at a PE event, and were fabulously behaved. Well done.



We investigated different materials and their ability to block light.







Assessment Week: The children worked extremely hard to complete their tests.

Well done Year 3!



Year 3 have been working on fractions, looking at halves, quarters, 3/4 and whole.



Year 3 worked hard this week on writing another narrative on An Ancient Mayan Game.



Year 3 continue to investigate around the topic of Light and Dark. 



Year 3 looked at how The Shang Dynasty used to communicate. They created their own templates using clay modelling.






The children wrote amazing Mayan stories, with a triumphant ending. We were very impressed with their use of vocabulary and stamina of writing.



All about fractions this week, looking at halves, thirds and quarters. We did some hands on activities to help the children's understanding.



The teachers are showing the children the basic passes in netball, ready to begin small games at the end of term.


World Book Day

Wow ! what a fun day we had. We read in the nurture garden, we read to Year 2, we read under tables and made camps with our friends. Year 3 also wrote their own short stories, and we made a class book
















Maths: We continued with units of measurement this week, looking at capacity and volume . We had a really fun practical lesson comparing the volume of water in different containers.


English: we planned a triumph story this week, based on a Mayan story we read. We will be writing it next week with speech and a triumphant ending.


Science: we started our topic on Light and Shadows this week, learning some key vocabulary.


Reading: this week we read a non-fiction text about Shakespeare and answered questions about it.


R.E. We considered our lives as a journey this week, and what events would be on our 'road of life'.


History: we looked at different means of Stone Age communication this week, and acted out scenes.


ICT: We had a fantastic lesson 'tinkering' with Scratch, and we were all add to create movement with some basic coding


P.E. Miss Clive and Mrs Patel started a P.E. block on netball this week, and we were impressed with the children's chest passing. We will be building on the skills week on week now until Easter.


rt: we used pastels to create cave paintings, as part of our communications topic






We have using different units of measurement this week and converting between kg and g. We  worked with our partners to use scales and measure classroom items. 



In English, we finished our persuasive leaflets and typed them up in Word, adding in pictures. We worked really hard with our ICT skills, changing the font, stye, colour and size of our writing. Well done Year 3 ! We also wrote a free verse poem using poetic devices for effect.



Recently, the whole school enjoyed an obstacle course set up by Debden Park. We all had a great time jumping, running, crawling and weaving in and out of different obstacles (in the mud!).


Can you please try and send the children dressed in their correct PE kits on PE days, and not brightly coloured tops. Thank you !



We finished our Forces and magnets topic this week and the children are now experts on all things magnetic!




We enjoyed a poem about robots this week in Reading, and answered questions on the text.



In DT, we designed and created our Play-Doh controllers with the Makey Makey circuit boards. Some excellent cross-curricular learning this week in Year 3.



In My Happy Mind this week, we talked about our favourite activities and how we enjoy using Happy Breathing. We also set our own personal targets.


Thank you for ongoing support with timetables and homework.  Have a wonderful half term.




This week we have been looking at game controllers and designing our own. 

Next week we will make these to see if they can be connected to the Makey Makey and try playing the piano, Bongo Bongo drums and other apps.




We have complete our persuasive fliers on Pinball machines



This week we learnt to measure using mm, cm and meters. We managed to draw shapes and calculate the perimeter.




We  used magnets to investigate the North and South Poles. They found out which ones repelled and which ones attracted to each other


Play Times


The children are enjoying their play times using the OPAL equipment.






In maths, we have been converting m, cm and mm. We have been accurately measuring classroom items and comparing them. Friday was Number Day and we enjoyed practical maths activities in the classroom and outside.




We completed planning and writing our persuasive leaflets this week. Next week, we will be transferring that information into an electronic version in the ICT suite and creating our own leaflets. We will experiment with font and layout to create a really eye=catching piece of work.




More magnet fun this week ! We predicted and tested the strength of different magnets. We then presented our findings in the form of a bar chart. Excellent Science and Maths  by Year 3 this week.


Talking about 'Things I Am Thankful For'




In French, we were looking at numbers in conjunction with Number Day !



We are working on our fluency and comprehension skills. We enjoyed the non-fiction text all about recycling and  could confidently answer questions on the text.




It was all about conjunctions this week, to extend our ideas and sentences. We wrote sentences and used conjunctions in different ways, to vary our sentence structure. 



We completed our pinball machines and evaluated the process this week. The designs and attention to detail was impressive across both classes. 


We also had the most fun using the Makey Makey circuits - we did so much cross curricular leaning. We learnt about earthing our circuits by holding an alligator clip in our hands, whilst other components were attached to the laptop and circuit board. We powered the Makey Makey with bananas  and played music on the laptops. The children thoroughly enjoyed their lessons.



More pen licenses were issued this week, to those children consistently joining their handwriting and keeping  their writing all the same size. Well done.





Another busy week in Year 3




The children finished their 'warning' stories and published them in their best handwriting for display. Some of the children read their stories to Year 1 and 2. The younger children loved listening to them, and Year 3 were so sensible and mature. We received some lovely feedback from the KS1 staff.  We are starting a new block of writing on non-fiction leaflets next week.




In maths, we consolidated lots of learning this week on 2d shapes, angles, parallel and perpendicular lines, vertical and horizontal. We displayed a growth mindset as some of the learning was a challenge. The children enjoyed learning about quarter turns, and we moved around the classroom to help our understanding.


Some of the children received their pen licences. Well Done !!




In Science, we carried out  investigations with magnets, testing objects around the classroom. The children learnt some new vocabulary - repel and attract - and are using it confidently to describe their findings.



We continued learning about the Muslin faith this week in RE.



Our new text is a non-fiction text all about saving the planet and how to stop wasting water, paper and energy. The children really enjoyed the discussion this text generated.


Library time

We have a lovely, well stocked school library, and the children really enjoy spending time in there. If you have any over due library books at home, please can you send them in to school please. 

Finally, we completed our DT projects-Pinball games.


Thank you for practising timetables and number bonds at home, and for completing homework to a high standard.


Ms Clive and Mrs Patel.





In maths we have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes, right angles and turning, clockwise and anticlockwise.  We also worked in groups to create our own 3D shapes from play dough, straws and cocktail sticks. A fun week !



The children are very excited that they have started recorder lessons with Mrs Bartels. They are mastering the basic finger techniques and learning to play their first notes in tune and time.



In PE , the children used balance and agility skills this week, as well as some gymnastics work on the floor, creating numbers and letter shapes in groups.



We finished planning our Warning Stories, and began writing them up, using paragraphs. We will be publishing the stories for display. There are some excellent stories, packed with exciting and ambitious vocabulary. 



Having designed their own pinball machines earlier in the week, on Friday the children began to create their design from a cereal box. We are using our knowledge of pullies and levers in science, to incorporate these features.


Welcome back and Happy New Year.


The children have returned with a positive attitude and are straight back to working hard.


English / Reading


We are looking at a narrative called 'Gussie Goes Bonkers', and writing our own warning story. This links in with our new Makey Makey topic. We have generated some fantastic vocabulary, and planned our stories. Mrs Patel and Ms Clive look forward to reading the finished stories next week. 




In Maths, we completed our latest block on learning on multiplication and division for now - we challenged the children this week by looking at 2 digit numbers and partitioning methods for multiplying and dividing. We will come back to multiplying later in the year. We also started our new maths topic of Shape, looking at 2d and 3d shapes. 


Topic - Makey Makey


We started our new topic on a History tip, looking at robots and timelines of development. We will be moving the topic into a more practical element next week when we begin to design and build our own pinball machines from cereal boxes.  Please send any empty boxes you have please !




RE this week was learning about morals, and 'doing the right thing'. The children enjoyed discussing different scenarios in groups across different religions. 




This term we are learning all about forces, gravity and magnets ! We have some fun investigations planned.


Thank you for learning  spellings and timetables at home with your children, and completing the homework we send home.



