
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Spring Term


Welcome back and Happy New Year.


The children have returned with a positive attitude and are straight back to working hard.


English / Reading


We are looking at a narrative called 'Gussie Goes Bonkers', and writing our own warning story. This links in with our new Makey Makey topic. We have generated some fantastic vocabulary, and planned our stories. 




In Maths, we have been learning about multiplication and division.  WE are learning and practising multiplication and division facts for 2,4 and 8.


Topic - Makey Makey


We started of our new topic by looking at robots and where they originated. We then located these places on a map. We will be moving the topic into a more practical element next week when we begin to design and build our own pinball machines from cereal boxes.  Please send any empty boxes you have please !




In RE this week term we are studying a philosophy strand.  This week we learnt about the differences between, facts, opinions and beliefs.





This term we are learning all about forces, gravity and magnets ! We have some fun investigations planned and completed our pre-assessments this week.


This week we have not sent out homework as 'Homework Club' is not starting until next week.  We have sent out spellings and home reading as normal.  Thank you for listening to your child read three times a week and helping them learn their spellings and times tables.


Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Sheptuha and Mrs Minhas





