
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Year 3



Dearest parents and carers,


Well, here we are at the end of Year 3. 


How the children have grown,  both in height and maturity !  Academically they have worked so hard all year and everyone has given their all. We are so proud of each and every one of them and hand them into the safe hands of Year 4.


Our final, full week was extremely busy. We wish you all a very restful and happy Summer holiday.


Lambourne End


At the end of the previous  week, we took some children for a fun packed day of outdoor activities.  The weather was kind and the children threw themselves into each activity (some literally into the swamp !). Each activity was a team event, so the children had to use skills of listening and cooperation, as well as mental and physical awareness. We had a great day with the other children from years 4 and 5 and their behaviour was impecable.


Forest school


Mrs Lovell kindly invited year 3 to enjoy a Forest School session last week. They enjoyed toasting marshmallows safely around a camp fire, and participated in bug hunting, tree climbing and stick stripping. It was a hot day and we enjoyed the shade of the trees. It was a wonderful outdoor learning experience.


Class Party


On what was the hottest day of the year, we joined the rest of the school for a party and class celebration on the school field. We had skipping ropes out, children enjoyed  the sand pit, played in the OPAL play tent, enjoyed football, played pass the parcel (for 60 children !), musical chairs and word association. All the games were washed down with copies amount of cold drinks, ice pops and party food. It was a great ending to a great year. 


Local Walk


We finished our Land of Hope and Glory topic off with a walk in the local environment, discussing and look for signs of development and change over time. Hard to believe that Debden used to be rolling fields rather than shops and a shopping centre.





We wrote our castle trip diary entries in our best handwriting as our final piece of writing.




We have been going back and revising fractions, number, place value and lots of word problems. The children remembered lots (phew) and enjoyed going over previous topics and extending their learning with some challenges.




We discussed future career opportunities and associated skills. It was a lively and interesting discussion. 


Now for the thank yous.


Thank you for supporting your children with their spellings and homework all year.


Thank you for our wonderful LSA's, without whom we could not work as hard as we do in class.


Good bye and thank you to Miss Clive who starts at a new school.


Have a restful and safe summer everyone

from the Year 3 team.












English  - this week, we started a new block of learning on diary writing. We will be writing diary entries based on our visit to Mountfitchet Castle


Maths -We have been looking at Statistics. We have been collecting our own data and creating pictograms and bar charts


Reading - we are looking a summer poem and the children have enjoyed discussing the vibrant vocabulary.


PSHE - we have been looking at different ways to pay-cash, credit cards and contactless.


Mountfitchet Castle


Year 3 went on a fabulous trip

On Tuesday 9th of July

The children visited 


Mountfitchet Castle. Norman Motte and Bailey Castle and Village, re-constructed on its original historic ancient site. 

They got to see how life was like in the 11th century.

Here is some feedback from the children:


It was amazing  and fun.


It was the best  trip as we  were allowed to touch everything.

Try on artefacts such as:


Body chain armour



We tried the massive catapults

The huge bows are arrows, using children friendly equipment.

We saw how surgeons performed on bodies (real like models).

Sat in a Norman church and heard stories about the famous Montfitchet Baron who helped implement the Magna Carte.

How animal skins were tanned and how food was cured.

It was lifelike. It was a proper Norman village inside the castle walls.

It felt we lived their lives during 

the Norman era during 11th century and how  they survived and protected themselves.


They asked so many questions but also linked a lot of their learning to their History and Geography knowledge.

Best of all they got to run around and be free amongst deers, goats chickens, rooters and peacocks. 


Successful trip

Thank you to everyone for their support.

Mrs Patel & Ms Clive









English  - this week, we started a new block of learning on free verse poems. We generated some vocabulary and descriptive phrase, ready to start writing our own poems next week.


Maths - it has been a busy week, lots of accurate work on bar charts and data. Mrs Holland, our head of Maths, was extremely impressed by the accuracy show in the children's books. We will be collecting data over the coming lessons to create bar charts of our own.

Reading - we are looking at the lives of Victorian children and the Industrial Revolution. We read an interesting historical (fictional), diary extract of a child worker, answering questions in detail.


PSHE - we looked at 'community' and what is means.


P.E. - Wimbledon watch out. Year 3 are becoming tennis experts. The children are now passing with much improved accuracy.

Transition Day - Year 3 met their new teachers on Friday and had a wonderful day in their new classrooms. 

OPAL - we had a whole school assembly and the children were ecstatic to learn we have a school sandpit. The children learned the rules of using the sandpit safely.


Library - we enjoyed reading in our beautiful sensory garden this week. We are so lucky to have such a lovely space to read and enjoy books.


Science - we learned all about the inside of bones this week, and learnt some very technical language, well done Year 3.


Music - Year 3 are really enjoying their weekly recorder lessons, and becoming more tuneful each week !


District Sports - a huge WELL DONE to our district sports runners, who attended for the first time, and ran their hearts out in the sprints and relays. Well done everyone, on what was an extremely hot day. Also, thank you to some of the parents who came and supported the school.



Welcome to Year 3


We currently have two classes in Year Three;


Holly Class led by Mrs Patel and Maple Class led by Ms Clive


This year, we will be covering a range of subjects from across the curriculum in a fun and interactive way. Some of our learning will be accessed through our themes.


Year Three is the first year of Key Stage Two. During this year, pupils will be consolidating their learning from Key Stage One, as well as developing new skills.



Each week, we shall try to update you with what has been happening during our learning in Year 3 and suggest activities that you can try at home to further your learning.  

We hope you enjoy reading our page!








It's been a busy week in Year 3, this week we looked at 'tricking the monster stories'. We read Hansel and Gretel, using a story map to help us remember the tricky words. Then we planned, wrote and published our own stories. We had evil caretakers, teachers, scientists and aliens as the main characters! Miss Clive and Mrs Patel were very impressed and loved reading them.  We have been really trying hard with our presentation and handwriting, awarding some children with their pen licence. 




In maths, we have been using formal written methods for addition and subtraction, estimating answers and using the inverse to check our answers. It has been a busy week of learning, but all the children are participating with enthusiasm and with a great attitude. Well done Year 3.  We have some fabulous mathematicians and beautiful presentation in our books.




Let's talk rocks ! This week we started our new topic, Rocks and Soils. We already know lots of new vocabulary and will be building our knowledge over the coming weeks.  




In PE, some of our PE lessons are dance based this term. We are focusing on African dance, and using the beats within traditional music to create our own performances. Even when the tempo increases, we were still able to stay in time.


Thank you for your ongoing support with reading at home (so important!) and encouraging the children to complete their homework.

Enrichment Passport
