WB 9.12.24
In English, we began creating wonderful winter poems. These poems were divided into 4 stanzas, each stanza based on a different winter image. Next week, we will be completing our poems and publishing them.
Within maths, we have been looking at factors as well as multiplying by 10 and 100.
This week, we were also lucky enough to visit Deben Park to watch their Christmas production.
Additionally, we were visited by an Elf which involved lots of entertainment, fun, dancing and even some snow! We had lots of fun and some of us even won some prizes!
WB 2.12.24
This week we have begun sewing our Christmas decorations. We used cross stitch to create a snowflake on our Christmas decorations. After that, we used a running stitch to sew a seam. Next week, we will be stuffing our decorations.
On Friday, we participated in santa dash. Additionally, over the last week we have been doing 'laps to lapland' where the children in Year 4 have ran and walked over 1000 steps.
Within music, we have been listening to the song Stop Bullying which is all about anti-bullying. We have created our own anti-bullying raps as a verse for the song. Here are a couple of examples:
WB 25.11.24
Within maths this week, we have been multiplying by 1 and 0, dividing a number by 1 and itself and finally multiplying three numbers.
On Thursday, we had an extra fun day as it was no pen day! In maths, we used paint to practice our times tables, played board games and online games. In English, we used drama to practice our portal stories. Finally, in Science, we used toy animals to create classification keys.
This week in English we have been looking at fronted adverbials and written our own portal stories. Here are a few of our wonderful stories:
Furthermore, in art, we have used water colour to create beautiful pictures of the River Nile and Egyptian pyramids.
WB 18.11.24
This week in Year 4 we have been continuing to learn our times tables up to 12 x 12. Additionally, we have looked at square numbers.
This week, we have been planning our portal stories. Next week, we will be writing our portal stories, in these stories we will travel to ancient Egypt and explore the tombs.
Furthermore, we have been learning about Ancient Egypt and their pyramids. We found out about King Tutankhamun and then created a mosaic of him.
WB 11.11.24
This week, in English, we have written up up our wonderful explanation texts. Here are a few for you to enjoy:
In preparation for our next writing module, we have put ourselves into the shoes of Howard Carter, who discovered Tutankhamun's tomb. We crawled through a tunnel and peeked through to see what Howard Carter would've seen in 1922.
In maths, we have been learning more of our times tables. We have now learnt out 3, 6, 7 and 9 times tables. Next week, we will be learning our 11 and 12 times tables.
WB 4.11.24
In English, we have begun to research Tudor homes, looking at the differences between rich Tudor homes and poor Tudor homes. Over the next week, we will be writing a magazine article, titled, 'How the Other Half Live'.
On Thursday, we had outdoor classroom day, where we spent our maths lesson outside playing a loop game. We had lots of fun doing this and worked well in our partners. Next week, in maths, we will be carrying on learning about the 9 and 6 times table.
In science, we have started our new topic, 'Living things and their habitats'. We sorted, named and recognised vertebrates and invertebrate. Vertebrates are animals that have a backbone inside their body. The major groups include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Invertebrates don't have a backbone. They either have a soft body, like worms and jellyfish, or a hard outer casing covering their body, like spiders and crabs.
Here is a link to BBC Bitesize if you would like to learn more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zp6g7p3#:~:text=Vertebrates%20are%20animals%20that%20have,body%2C%20like%20spiders%20and%20crabs.
WB 21.10.24
We started our week with an exciting trip to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Our aim of going was to see how the area had changed through gentrification. Additionally, we looked at the buildings that were created for the Olympics in 2012 and their purpose.
Here we looked at the aquatic centre. We discovered that the roof was based on a stingray and the ceiling based on a whale's stomach.
We sketched a range of the buildings:
Additionally, we finished our 3 week project of creating Roman villas. Here are some of them:
In maths, we were introduced to finding the area of a shape. To find the area of a shape we counted squares. We then compared the area of shapes to find the greatest or smallest area. Next half term, we will be starting our multiplication and division topic.
WB 14.10.24
In maths, we have been looking at 1-step and 2-step word problems. 2-step word problems can be a little bit challenging, so we use this method to help us:
In English, we have written our defeating the monster stories. We have been focused on trying to included complex expanded noun phrases (adjective, adjective noun preposition). Our stories are based in ancient Roman Britain with influences from Roman mythology. Here are some examples:
In science, over the last 2 weeks, we have been learning about the water cycle. We learnt about the different stages and what happens at each stage.
Evaporation: The Sun heats the surface of the Earth. Water changes from a liquid into water vapour.
Condensation: As moist air rises, it cools. Water vapour changes back into liquid water droplets. This produces clouds.
Precipitation: Water droplets in clouds get heavier and fall as rain, snow or hail.
WB 7.10.24
This week, in English, we planned our defeating the monster stories. We look forward to writing them next week!
In reading and history we have been celebrating and learning about Maro Itoje and how he is an inspiration for many during Black History Month.
WB 30.9.24
In maths, we have begun looking at addition. We used column addition for numbers up to 4-digits.
This week in English, we have begun preparing for a 'defeating the monster story'. Our stories will be based in Roman with links to Roman myths. Next week in English, we will be planning our 'defeating the monster story'.
In Science, we investigated how temperature can affect the state of matter. To do this, we used different temperatures of water to melt chocolate and timed how long each one took. We discovered that, the hotter the temperature the quicker chocolate melts.
WB: 23.9.24
In maths, we have been exploring negative numbers and roman numerals.
This week, we learnt all about Greek columns. We discovered that the doric was the most simple of the columns, the ionic featured scrolls and the corinthian was the most decorated of all. Furthermore, in English we then created poems based on Ancient Greek columns. We even created our very own Greek temples!
WB 16.9.24
This week in Year 4 we have continued to learn about buildings in the Stone Age. We learnt in particular about Stone Age teepees. From this, we then created teepees of our own and wrote wonderful instructions on, 'How to Build a Stone Age Teepee'.
In maths, we learnt how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Here are some useful rhymes that we used to help us remember the steps.
In science, we learnt about states of matter and the differences between solids, liquids and gas. We looked at particles and how states of matter can change due to force being applied. We conducted an experiment to see how a liquid, double cream, can become a solid, butter, when force is applied.
WB 9.9.23
This week in Year 4 we have been busy learning all about prehistoric homes, including caves, teepees and roundhouses. We have learnt that the Stone Age lasted from 3 million BC to 3,000BC and was split into three time periods, the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.
Additionally, we have explored Skara Brae and how it was discovered, as well as its importance. Next week we will be looking in depth at the similarities and differences between Skara Brae and our own homes.
In English, we have looked into how Stone Age Teepees were made. Next week we will be writing our own instructions for how to make a Stone Age Teepee!
In maths, we have carried on looking at place value. We have been practicing ordering 4-digit numbers and finding 1000 more or less to 4-digit numbers.
In science, we learnt about states of matter and the differences between solids, liquids and gas.
WB 2.9.23
What a lovely first week we have had in Year 4!
In maths, we have begun our first topic, place value. We have recapped what we already know so that we are ready to move on further next week.
Next week we look forward to starting our first curriculum theme... Buildings!