Today, Friday 22nd of November, some children from Year 5 went to St John's, Epping to take part in a Boccia competition. The children had so much fun!
Crazy Hair Day 2024
Remembrance Day
On the 11th of September, we held a two minutes silence and laid a wreath to remember the people who have died in wars around the world. Remembrance Day marks the actual day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918.
Outdoor Classroom Day
Today, we took our learning outside. We completed a maths lop game, where we had to answer a series of questions using our addition and subtraction questions. In pairs, we started at different points on the playground or field. The answer of one card led us to our next card and this continued until we had completed a whole loop and returned to the card we started with. We thoroughly enjoyed this activity and are thoroughly looking forward to doing this again later on in the year.
To 'HOOK' us into our new science topic of Materials and their properties we went on a materials hunt around the outdoor areas of the school, including the sensory the garden. We were given eight different properties of materials, including bumpy, heavy, soft, and rough and had to find an object that had this property. We then returned to class to discuss what we had found.
WB: 21.10.24
Rocking our way into Thursday with a ‘Rocksteady’ assembly.
WB: 7.10.24
We kicked started this week with an assembly from Reverend Davies. We learnt all about Harvest and the importance of giving thanks for the food that we receive.
Thank you for bringing in food donations. We will be donating these to our local food bank.
To celebrate Space week we had a STEM workshop where we were set the challenge of helping NASA to clear up the 'junk' in space. We were asked to invent a machine that would enable us to clear the 'junk'.
WB 30.9.24
That's another week done and dusted and what a busy week it's been!
Can you believe that we are already 5 weeks into the Autumn term?
On Tuesday the 1st of October, we had a very special assembly. The assembly was all about UK Parliament. In this assembly we learnt about the role of a member of parliament, what happens in the House of Commons and the House of Lords and what happens when the government want to introduce a new law. Some of us were lucky enough to participate in some role play, which we thoroughly enjoyed.
In Science this week, we have been learning all about how planets move within our Solar System. Do you know how the planets move in the solar system?
How do our planets move in our solar system?
In the Solar System, planets orbit around the Sun. They don’t move in perfect circles but in shapes called ellipses, which are a bit stretched out. The force called gravity keeps the planets from flying away into Space and helps them stay on their orbits. All planets move at different speeds. Mercury moves the fastest compared to Neptune, which is very far away.
In English, we have been learning about the Mayan myth, Hero Twins. We listened carefully to the story and then we worked in groups to create story maps of the different parts of the story in order to be able to retell the story. These were then all joined together to create a whole class story map. We enjoyed this work very much!
Today in Music, we played the glockenspiel. We learnt to the play the notes G, A and B. We then played these notes to the song Living on a Prayer. It was so much fun!
WB: 23.9.24
It has been another busy week in Year 5!
In Maths, we have been continuing with our learning of place value of numbers. This week our focus has been rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and 100000.
In English, we have been continuing with our non-chronological reports about the Maya. We have used the different features to present our work effectively. Mrs Porter and Miss Burling have enjoyed reading what we have done so far.
In Science, we have been learning about the different ideas around why some people believe the Earth was flat and some believe it to be spherical. We know that the Earth is spherical, thanks to photographs taken from space, but it has been interesting to learn about why people, through history, thought the Earth was flat.
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, was one of the very first people to challenge the idea that the Earth was spherical rather than flat.
Watch this video to find out more.
In Music, we have been learning about rock music. We have appraised We will Rock You by Queen and compared this to another rock song, Living on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.
What your favourite rock song?
We have also learnt about finding the beat of a song and next week we will begin learning to play the glockenspiel.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
WB: 16.9.24
What a busy week it has been.
In English this week we have been learning about non chronological reports.
What is a non chronological report?
A non chronological report is an informative pieces of writing that give information to the reader about a certain topic.
What are the features of a non chronological report?
Features of a non-chronological report:
* Introduction: Provides general facts.
* Sections: Organized by theme.
* Subheadings: Signal different sections.
* Formal tone and factual language.
* Present tense verbs.
* Third person perspective.
* Technical language (often explained in a glossary).
* Images, captions, and diagrams
After collecting information about the Mayans we then used the features to plan our own non chronological report. Next week we will using this plan to write our own non chronological report.
In Maths, we have continued to learn about the place value of numbers up to 1,000,000. We have explored representing the numbers in a variety of ways including place value counters, place value grids, base 10 and numicon. We have also been finding 1,10, 100, 1000, 10 000 and 100,000 more than any given number.
In Science we have been learning about the planets that form our solar system. There are 8 planets in our solar system. Can you name them?
We also collected some interesting facts about the planets and used this information to complete a poster about the solar system.
This week some children from year 5 were chosen to represented the school at a cricket event at Loughton cricket club. The children showed great effort and sportsmanship and came home with a silver medal. Well done to all!
WB 9.9.24
Can you believe that we are already half way through our second week in Year 5.
We have been busy in Maths learning about Place Value and extending our knowledge of numbers up to 100,000. We have been busy reading and writing numbers in words and numerals.
In History and Geography we started our new topic. Our topic for this term is called 'Achievements and Legacies'. We started this topic by exploring The Mayans. As Historians we have been gathering evidence from different sources. We presented our findings chronologically on a timeline. As geographers, we have been busy locating the main countries in Central America where the Mayans were located. Some of these are: Mexico, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador etc. Some of us even managed to locate some cities within these countries. Amazing!!! The children have shown a great interest in this topic and it is lovely to see.
In PE, we are learning about tag rugby. This week we have been practising how to throw and catch a rugby ball. We look forward to next weeks session.
Welcome to Year 5 we hope you have all had a wonderful Summer holiday and are looking forward to our journey together in Year 5.