
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Summer Term



Maths: we finished our block on time with word problems and 24 hour clock questions. Some excellent work this week, the children are becoming experts.


English: we are planning a voyage story and have been gathering ideas and descriptive vocabulary ready to write next week.


Reading: We have read and answered questions on a non-fiction text this week, all about the countries of the U.K.


P.E. This week, we used the racquets to begin to pass the ball to each other in tennis. Focus on grip and accuracy.


Art: we created some beautiful collages of The Giants Causeway (Northern Ireland) using different coloured paper for effect.


Grammar: we have looked at apostrophes for possession this week. Lots of growth mindset as it is a tricky concept to grasp !


Geography: we looked at the atlases and located  physical and natural features of Northern Ireland. 





We wrote a scene story based on the Isle of Arran, using lots of similes and descriptive phrases.



We continued with time, looking at durations, using number lines .



We looked at Bob (the class skeleton) and named the major bones in the body. 



Using the artist David Hockney for inspiration, we created beautiful artwork with pastels.



We read an extract from the classic book The Railway Children and answers questions.



We listened to music from the 1940s and learnt the 'lindy hop' to commemorate 80 years of D-Day. 







Shakespeare Day

Wow ! what a fun day we had reading the plays of Shakespeare, acting out scenes and drawing portraits. The children all looked amazing in their costumes. 



We are improving our recorder skills each week with Mrs Bartels and enjoying our weekly lessons.



We wrote amazing scene stories, with our character visiting all four countries of the United Kingdom. We used fabulous expanded noun phrases.




We continued with time this week , learning about the 24 hour clock and comparing this to analogue clocks.




We used all our skills to answer questions on a non-fiction text this week, using full sentences.




In hockey , we learnt how to hit the ball safely. We are becoming very proficient hockey players !




We enjoyed some lovely relaxing time in the sensory garden this week, during our assembly time.










In English, we are looking at poetry about train a journey - this week we are planning our own based on a journey . In the holidays Ms Clive and Mrs Patel videoed the journey from Epping to London and we have made a word bank of words and figurative language to help us after watching it. 


In Maths, we are still looking at fractions - finding fractions of numbers and using bar models to help our learning. We are working with larger numbers and partitioning them into smaller amounts first. 


PE. The teachers are teaching Hockey this half term and the children made a great start with accurate passing and receiving. 


Science - we are starting our new topic on animals and humans, including skeletons, muscles and what our bodies need to be healthy. 


This links with our work in PSHE , in which we are looking at healthy foods, food groups, and how to keep our teeth healthy.


Topic - we have a Geography based topic this term, looking at the UK. We are learning about some of the mountains, major rivers and seas in the UK as well as naming some important cities.



English - we completed our train journey poems and the children wrote them up in their best handwriting for display. The children described what they would see out of a carriage window, as a train travels from Epping to Stratford. We were very impressed with their use of similes, metaphors, personification and alliteration. 


Maths - in maths we have started learning about money ! We have started with naming the coins and notes and next week we will start to add and subtract amounts and find change. 


Science - in science we are looking at food groups and the eat well plate. The children are learning the Nutrional values of different foods. 


RE - in R.E. we delved into a mosque and what you would find inside. The children can name and describe the main features. 


PSHE - we looked at basic first aid and how to deal with non-emergency injuries. 


Music - thank you if you came and supported Year 3 performing Mary Poppins earlier this week. What an amazing job all of Year 3 (and Year 4) did on Tuesday, all the staff involved in the production were very proud of them all. It was just wonderful. 




Maths - we have been learning about money again this week and calculating change . We also worked on word problems and wrote some of our own.


English - we have been using the ICT suite this week for English research into how rivers are made. We are writing explanation texts next week using our research.


Science - we looked food labels this week to investigate the nutritional value of different foods. The children can describe what makes food healthy or unhealthy.


R.E. We continue to explore Islam and we are looking at the first pillar of Islam in detail.


PSHE - We discussed emergency situations and who is there to help us. We discussed what emergency situations are and did some hot seating with a call handler !


Reading  - we finished our non fiction text on rivers and answered questions on the text we read over the week


Art - what a fun week, we created street art collages based on graffiti, as well as creating beautiful water colour paintings of the Lake District






Maths - this week, we started our learning on time, focusing on o clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. The children enjoyed learning with small clocks. 


English - the children wrote detailed explanation texts on rivers this week, following some excellent online research last week. They were well presented and focused on beautiful handwriting and word choices.


Science - we looked at different types of skeletons this week, using some very technical language. The children really enjoyed learning about both humans and animals and categorizing them.


PE - This week in PE we continued learning the skills of hockey, dodging opponents and learning to tackle safely.  Year 3 also had an extra PE session this week, learning the key skills of tennis.


PSHE  - We looked at safety at the home  this week, identifying hazards and how to avoid them. 


OPAL play - what a fabulous week we had during lunch times this week, we have such an amazing variety of activities for the children to enjoy, as well as our huge school field which, in itself, is somewhere the children love to play and socialise.  



