
Thomas Willingale School and Nursery

Spring Term

Another lovely week in year 2. 


In English we have read the story Dogger, by Shirley Hughes. This story was about a child that lost their toy. We have written descriptive sentences and planned our own story based on Dogger. The children are excited about writing these next week. 


In maths we have moved onto multiplication. The children now understand the meaning of equal groups and the children are able to identify equal groups. The children then used cubes to make equal groups using mathematical language like groups of and lots of. 


In topic the children are enthused by our Australia topic and we are doing lots of cross-curricular activities. We looked at some Ariel images in geography, identifying physical and human features. In science we were sorting and classifying Australian animals. In reading we read through another Aboriginal Dreamtime story, called Tiddalik the frog and the children were able to answer some retrieval questions about the text. 


We looked forward to seeing your Rock hairstyles on Monday! Have a great weekend.


Mrs Ayaz, Miss Higgs and Mrs Johnson 

Welcome back! Happy New Year to you all!

WC 6th January 2025


A nice full week back. 

In English, we explored, planned and then wrote some shape poems. The children researched an Australian animal and then wrote a descriptive poem in shape of that animal. These animals were either an emu, wombat, kangaroo or a koala.  We included some adjectives, alliterations and similies to make our writing more interesting.


In maths, we explored and sorted 3D shape based on their properties. We then moved on to symmetry and creating symmetrical patterns using 2D shapes. To end the week we started to  recognise equal groups and use mathematical vocab including 'lots of' and 'groups of'. 


We have started our new topic Australia! The children are so excited about this topic and have shown great enthusiasm. In reading we have read one of the Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories and the children were able to answer retrieval questions about the text. 


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Ayaz and Miss Higgs
