We have had a productive time here in school over the last couple of weeks. All of our classes took part is creating a Remembrance Day tribute and these were taken and laid out in our playground for a thoughtful two minutes silence.
Our Year 1 children spent a lovely day at the Bethnal Green Museum of Childhood and their classrooms reflect this with some fabulous displays of old toys! (Unfortunately they don’t feel old to most of us here!)
Our Pyjama Day collected an amazing amount of donations of different types of bottles for our Christmas Fete as did our Trainer Day for chocolate. This is currently residing outside my office and is taking a great deal of restraint on my part! Thank you for your donations, they will help ensure our fete is one to remember!
Our children did exceptionally well at the recent rugby tournament– coming third; both teams qualified for the partnership finals in December. We are very proud of them.
It seems we have a bunch of young entrepreneurs in school who are using their mathematical skills, their English skills and creative skills combined with their topic work to create small businesses.
Today I had a meeting with some of our year 4 children who presented to me their ‘business plan’, they asked if they could make and sell ‘Mocktails’ at the Christmas Fete. They presented me with their costings and expected profit and asked if we would loan them the money to do this. After consideration and consultation with our School Business Manager they were given the go ahead. You will see them on Friday selling their carefully constructed Mocktails so please support them and buy one.
Yesterday I received a very persuasive letter from a group of Year 6 children who are working with Mrs Collins in Maths. They have asked me to loan them some money for the Chocolate Sleigh product they are creating. I have written back to them with some expectations of a balanced spreadsheet they need to give me after. They will also be selling these on Friday and have worked out their forecasted profits from the sale of them. I know there are some other entrepreneurial ideas taking place on Friday too so look out for them and please do ask the children how they worked on their businesses as they have had to be a full part of the plans. Learning in this way is always fun for children as a ‘real life’ context to our learning always makes much more sense!
Please do support them as I might turn into Alan Sugar on them if they don’t pay back their loans!
I look forward to seeing you on Friday.
With kind regards,
Teresa Phillips
(Head Teacher)